
Showing posts from June, 2020

An idea of what to do when the "sky falls"

In  Joseph Orchard  Halliwell  famous but very silly & old kids story he introduces the read to Chicken Little who get's hit on the head with a acorn dropped by a bird flying by.  His famous words and the story that follows is something I remember when I was growing up, “Help, help the sky is falling! Help, help the sky is falling! I have to tell the King!” And he went running down the road, looking for the King." The story goes on talking about how Chicken Little panicked and he was able to get a number of other birds (Henny Penny, Goosey Loosey, & Turkey Lurkey) to join him in his panic.  But when they all tell Foxey Loxey the news he was able to manipulate the situation to his favor and had a meal of the birds. This has made me think a little about how things are going for us right now, what I've gone through for the last few months with depression, and an article Lee Fredrickson PakMail215 owner wrote a number of years ago about Recession.  He brings up a numbe

Pictures - we can ship it

    Volunteer like Katniss Everdeen Effie Trinket:   Now the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman for the honor of representing District 12 in the 74th annual Hunger Games. As usual, ladies first. Effie Trinket:   Primrose Everdeen. Where are you dear? Well, come on up. Effie Trinket:   Well, come on up! [Prim walks slowly towards the stage, suddenly Katniss steps out and calls out to Prim] Katniss Everdeen:   Prim! Prim! [the guards stop Katniss from approaching Prim] Katniss Everdeen:  No! I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute! Effie Trinket:  Well, I believe we have our first volunteer. This was what the audience was waiting for, what I was waiting for, the plot twist to get Katniss Everdeen in the middle of the hunger games.   To watch her little sister, walk up on that platform was too much for Katniss and she volunteered.   It made me wonder if I would be willing to do that – I certainly think I would but have I ever don

Captain Barbossa: Gents, take a walk.

While watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Captain Barbossa was ordering his men around and it made me think about my daily walk at work.  You see I walk around the strip mall that our store sets in almost every day.  One of the reasons I do that is because it is simply good for me. In a study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, “those who moved more, especially if they [accumulated] an hour of physical activity over the course of the day, cut their mortality risk in half,” explains Gretchen Reynolds, author of The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer. The other reason I do it is there is trash everywhere and often it just keeps collecting there.  One day I was walking by a big batch of trash thinking to myself, “why doesn’t someone pick that up?   It looks so bad to the customers!” Then it hit me – “ummm… duh! you pick it up, Silly…,” and I did.  It looked great, and I was glad

How Neighborly are you?

How neighborly are you? On 24Jun2020 the store was winding down, the registers were in a state of closing, and Lee the store owner was looking forward to heading home for a nice home cooked meal but when he stepped outside … the roof was on fire and the back room smelt of smoke – a bird’s nest had caught fire on the roof AC – WOW! 911 was called and the deployment of police and fire department started.   Of course, Lee left everything as it was and stepped outside to watch and wait.   But the next-door store/neighbor was empty, the lights off, and no one could get in there.   Oh no! what will happen… Fortunately, it was a quick call, a drive over, and the door was open as the police and fire department arrived.   As I listen to this store the next day the next-door neighbor stopped by and said, “I’m so glad you all were here and I should leave you a key to my store so you can get in for emergency.” We agreed and thought we should do the same.   This drives me to an important ques

Owner Article: Wow You're Expensive!

Wow! You’re Expensive! PACKAGING I understand. Our packaging prices are based on our estimates of the protection required for the contents of each box and the time and materials involved in achieving that protection. We may also vary our recommended packaging according to the shipping service we recommend. For instance, we may recommend a higher level of protection for a ground package than we would for an air or express package. Or we may recommend a higher level of protection for a package that is expected to take longer to arrive at its destination. Still, we can decrease our recommended level of packaging. Though you will probably pay less, overall, this decrease is at least partially offset by an increase in the cost of shipping, usually due to a larger box. The trade off is an increased risk of damage to your items. If you find the increased risk acceptable, we would be pleased to examine other packaging techniques for you. If you wish, we can pack your items for you, the

The ending of middleschoolguy and the beginning of pakmailguy

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." T.S. Elliot I know I read that before and thought it many times while watching the Lord of the Ring movies.  The idea of  what does a good ending look like and what does a good start look like? I've come to the conclusion they are one of the same.  One really can't have a good ending without a good beginning somewhere. "I open at the close" quote from the first snitch Harry Potter caught.  This was a part of the beginning of the ends for Harry and for J.K. Rowling. An incredible series that it seemed no one wanted to end but it was such an awesome end and created so many memories I will never forget I know what a good ending looks like - Rowling gave that to everyone who read about Harry. But I've also had the privilege (more than once) of setting beside someones bed side who was saying good-bye to all of his loved ones as his body sl