
Showing posts from July, 2020

We ship corn

Even if it is a lawn decoration. 

Fun time at the store

Just some pictures of items we are working to ship out this week.

Is It Full?

Is It Full? By Chris Fredrickson (edit by Mark Eades) Don’t they drive you crazy? – The clients who seldom pick up their mail? – I’m sure we all have them. The letters and flyers fill up the box. Almost daily we have to rearrange the pieces to get the new envelopes in. Eventually the mail is slipping out onto the floor, so we bundle it, put it above the boxes, fill out an overflow slip, and it starts all over. Our worst offender is a physician who is currently on “mommy” leave and uses this as her business address. When she finally shows up, she is always surprised at how much there is. I’ll bet you have heard the comments, too. “It’s probably all junk mail,” they will say. But, surprise – there is always at least one gem there – an invitation for a date now past, a birthday card with a check, a certified letter from the IRS, or a bill that should have gone to their home. “Oh, I wish I had known,” they say. “Maybe next time you should let me know.” ---WE should let THEM know? The

Bubble Wrap Interesting/silly ideas

Off and on someone in the store will discover an interesting/silly idea with Bubble Wrap. We will share these under Bubble Wrap Interesting/Silly ideas. Bubble Wrap burglar alarm – Make a burglar alarm for your home. Lay Bubble Wrap on the floor inside your doors and windows. When a thief breaks in and walks across the floor, the “pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop” will alert you to the intruder.

80+ lb. broken serve shipped - NO PROBLEM

Another day at PakMail another item going out.  Today was a 80+ lb broken serve.  Team work made it another successful project done.

Pictures - We shipped it


Do you have "Poly" bags?

Do you have “Poly” bags? That was a question a customer called and asked about.   When I first heard what he said I was not sure what he was talking about. Did he say Pauly Bag like a name, did he mean he was looking for a bag size, or maybe something completely different. I was confused, and so I asked him to repeat himself.  Then he said, “well if you are in the packing business, you should know what a poly bag is…” and went on to be quite rude. What made me not get rude back to him was the thought that he was having a bad day or that this was not the first interaction he had that sounded “clueless” to him that day. I just said thank you and that I would go look up what he was talking about. I even went as far to ask him to spell what he was asking for.   But sadly, by that time he was confident I didn’t know what I was doing and hung up. I know what a "poly" bag is and if I had understood him when he first asked the situation would have been different.  But how I rea

WOW! WHAT A DEAL! (Auctions)

Wow! WHAT A DEAL! You just bought that item you’ve been looking for! And you didn’t pay anything even close to what it’s actually worth! There’s no doubt about it. Auctions can be exciting. You can get some truly great bargains and some really wonderful items. Keep in mind, though, whatever it was you bought, regardless of its current value, isn’t any smaller than it was the last time you saw it. It isn’t any lighter than it was then either. If fact, it’s probably bigger and heavier than you anticipated. You may not realize just how thin and delicate those edges are, and packaging large, delicate or valuable items to stand up to the rigors of the shipping process generally requires great care. Now that it’s yours, you want your item to arrive in the same condition it was in when you purchased it. Proper packaging can virtually guarantee this. But good packaging isn’t enough. You still have to get whatever it is from where it is now to wherever you want it to be, no later than the d

PMB - we got them in 3 sizes

As I keep learning more and more about PakMail215 the more excited I get.  We have Postal Mail Boxes in three sizes that people can rent out -  check out for all the details.

We pack with all different things

Today's picture is me interacting with a lot of the things that we use to pack your stuff in.   Boxes are of course the primary tool We also deal with peanuts (even when they get away from you and spread all over the floor) Bubble Wrap - picture of me with pillow bubble wrap and we also get unique packing like the stuff on my head that is called furniture wrap.   And a lot more - come talk to me at the store sometime and I can show you.

Sending out FLASKs

I got the privilege of boxes up and shipping out 15 of these thank you flask "cards" that a local college sent to some of their donors for a recently completed building project..   Pretty fun stuff.